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Implementation of an initial GMES service for geospatial reference data access - Prior information notice

Reference data are vital both to GMES core and downstream services (in particular emergency response, land, atmosphere and security services) and to end-user applications in order to provide the basic geographic framework on top of which additional (thematic) spatial information can be produced and disclosed (e.g. land use/land cover maps, asset maps and damage assessment maps in response to crisis). Reference data are typically provided by data providers on regional or national level. Within Europe the states are obliged to make this data accessible in accordance with the Inspire Directive. In order to take full benefit from the data available it is necessary to provide a central service to access these reference data providers in a unified manner.

Deadline:  04/04/2009

See alsoFull call

The main tasks of the services to be provided:

  1. to develop interfaces to remotely access existing reference data repositories held by various data providers at international, European or national level (respecting the different prevailing data policies and licence conditions which may apply);
  2. to develop functions to enable reference data combination and integration with other data sources (space data, 'in situ' data and added-value information) and dissemination according to user/client requests;
  3. to propose options for complementing the reference data sets with new data when there are gaps to be filled, and for designing a future sustainable procurement strategy taking prevailing data policies and licence conditions into account.

Given the fact that the context and availability of data, as well as the data sources, are very different inside and outside the EU, the implementation of the reference data access service is divided into 2 separate lots:

(i) inside EU; and

(ii) outside EU.

Estimated cost excluding VAT: EUR 3 000 000.

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