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Study on state Control of Strategic Defence Assets

[p][b]CALL FOR TENDERS No ENTR/09/019 - Study on state Control of Strategic Defence Assets[/b][/p]

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Defence industries

Deadline:  30/04/2009

The European defence industry is an important contributor to the European economy, with a turnover of over €55 bn and directly employing over 300.000 workers in the EU1. At the same time, and in spite of the restructuring efforts some of its sub-sectors have undergone in recent years, the European defence industry is still far from being sufficiently consolidated. Indeed, the fragmentation of defence markets in Europe has lead to duplication of research and technology efforts and of production sites, with local suppliers being generally favoured in government procurement decisions, and offset and juste retour policies being often used in order to support the domestic industry

As a result the sector is today suffering from overcapacities, excessive costs, insufficient economies of scale and therefore lack of competitiveness, in particular compared to the US industry. This, against a background of stagnating defence budgets and exponential increase of equipment development costs, is developing into a challenging future for this sector.

This general assessment is shared by the Commission and the European Defence Agency (EDA). The Commission's 20032 and 20073 Communications on the competitiveness of the European defence industry suggested actions towards the development of a more integrated European defence equipment market (EDEM) and a strong European defence technology and industrial base (EDTIB). The proposed lines of action aim to increase transparency and competition and create a level playing field among EU companies in the sector, and at the same time facilitate and encourage further consolidation where appropriate of the industry. From the Member States side, the EDTIB Strategy4, adopted by the EDA Steering Board on 14 May 2007, goes in the same direction, advocating increased transparency and competition on the market and an integrated and interdependent industry in order to achieve a "capability driven, competent and competitive EDTIB".

Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate: 30.04.2009 16h00hrs CET