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Role of regions for sustainable competitiveness

[p]Ladies and Gentlemen,[/p] [p]I would like to thank Danuta Hübner for inviting me to be with you this afternoon. I am always glad to address representatives of regions and entrepreneurs coming from them. It gives me an opportunity to stress that the EU policy to promote growth and jobs is not developed to please the Brussels community – it has been developed to promote better living conditions all around the EU, to foster new business opportunities, to allow for the creation of more and better jobs for the citizens. I must say that I have the impression that this objective does not always filter through the "EU-level" political discussions. The problem is - we have a European strategy, but citizens do not know.[/p]

date:  13/03/2007

speaker:  Mr Günter Verheugen

See alsoVice-President Günter Verheugen > Speec...


[p]I had the opportunity to stress this a few days ago in the Committee of the Regions at the occasion of the Lisbon Learning Platform meeting. Let me repeat it today: The regional and local dimension of our reform project should not only be recognised, it must be understood as a major asset on which the success of this project will to a large extent depend. I therefore very much welcome the commitment with which Danuta Hübner steers the regional policy towards the realization of the objectives of the growth and jobs strategy. And I fully support the idea which underpins this conference: the idea that the growth and jobs strategy must be seen as two-way process where the role of the regions and local level actors is as important as that of policy makers at EU or national level.[/p] [p][i]Download the full speech below (EN, FR, DE)[/i][/p]