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Social Economy

Fighting unemployment with social innovation

With around 27 million citizens currently out of work, social innovation – innovative ideas that meet social needs – is essential for meeting the job challenge. For the second consecutive year, the Social Innovation Competition aims to remedy European unemployment by encouraging creative solutions.

Best social innovation ideas. New ways to create new jobs and businesses

Social innovation can stimulate new business models addressing unmet social needs. Today, José Manuel Durão Barroso, President of the European Commission, has awarded the first Social Innovation prizes for three ground-breaking ideas that seek new ways to create more and better jobs in Europe.

Social economy and social business

The aim of this Conference was to gather the main EU policy makers and stakeholders for social business in the EU to take stock of the potential for the development of social business and the barriers to this within the Single Market.

European Code of Good Conduct for Microcredit Provision

The Commission has presented the European Code of Good Conduct for Microcredit Provision. This Code provides recommendations and standards that should foster best practice in the microcredit sector. It is intended to provide guidance for microcredit providers from the point of view of consumers, investors, funders and regulators.

European Conference on Social Enterprises

The conference will present the findings of the study "Practices and Policies in the Social Enterprise Sector in Europe", which describes the key features of the social enterprise sector.

European Commission to host 1st ASEM Social Partners Forum

The European Commission will host the 1st ASEM Social Partners Forum (ASEM = Asia-Europe Meeting) on 30 June and 1 July 2008 in Brussels. This Forum, the first event ever of its kind, will bring together some 150 social partner representatives and experts from 43 Asian and European countries.