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Pressure equipment and gas appliances

Pressure equipment and gas appliances

Supporting European SMEs on the global scene

In order to seize the opportunities opened up by internationalisation, enterprises need to take care of several aspects, not least the protection of their intellectual property rights. A new EU-US portal provides a wealth of useful information in this domain.

New Innovation Union Scoreboard: main competitors outpace the EU despite progress in many Member States

[B]The EU is failing to close the innovation performance gap with its main international competitors: the US and Japan. Although the trends in most EU Member States are promising despite the economic crisis, progress is not fast enough. While the EU still maintains a clear lead over the emerging economies of India and Russia, Brazil is making steady progress, and China is catching up rapidly.[/B]

Safeguarding the free movement of goods

The single market is a key driver of growth and jobs, but it needs timely and effective implementation of relevant legislation in order to function smoothly. As guardian of the EU Treaties, the European Commission monitors the application of EU law and investigates any infringements committed, so as to ensure that citizens and businesses can fully enjoy the benefits of the Union’s basic principles, such as the free movement of goods.

An Innovation Union at the service of a sustainable future

The European Commission has unveiled an ambitious plan to boost Europe’s innovative potential with the aim of turning ideas into jobs and green growth. The strategic approach streamlines efforts on key challenges, such as climate change, energy and food security, health and an ageing population. In addition, it seeks to improve co-operation between the public and private sectors, while removing bottlenecks which prevent ideas from getting to market.

Industrial policy takes centre stage

A competitive industry is key if Europe is to remain a global economic leader. In order to promote a successful industrial policy in our fast changing world, the European Commission has set out a wide-ranging strategy that aims to maintain and support a strong, diversified and competitive industrial base in Europe. This industrial base should play an important role in meeting crucial objectives for the European economy, such as creating new jobs and promoting sustainable growth.

CE marking made easy

The European Commission has launched an information campaign and a new website that explain the role and meaning of the CE marking both to consumers and professionals. It also provides a comprehensive step-by-step guide for professionals to how this familiar marking works and is implemented.

The future of trade policy 2010-2015

In its discussion paper "Trade, Growth and World Affairs", the Commission analyses how trade is an engine for economic growth and job creation. It proposes a strategy to reduce trade barriers, to open global markets and to get a fair deal for European businesses. The overarching aim is to take a more assertive approach to ensure the benefits of trade reach European citizens.

Industry for Europe - Europe for industry

Industry must be placed centre stage if Europe is to remain a global economic leader. This is the core message of the Communication on "An integrated industrial policy for the globalisation era" adopted by the European Commission today on the initiative of Vice-President Antonio Tajani. The Communication, a flagship initiative of the Europe 2020 strategy, sets out a strategy that aims to boost growth and jobs by maintaining and supporting a strong, diversified and competitive industrial base in Europe offering well-paid jobs while becoming less carbon intensive.

Public consultation on the Raw Materials Initiative

In 2008 the Commission launched the EU Raw Materials Initiative. The Commission is now preparing a new Communication which will not only report on progress made with the implementation of this initiative, but also indicate the way forward.

CE marking makes Europe's market yours

Under the slogan "CE marking makes Europe's market yours!", the European Commission is carrying out an information campaign on the CE marking. The marking signals that a product is in compliance with all relevant EU legislation, making it eligible to be marketed and sold throughout the EU. By affixing the CE marking on a product, a manufacturer is declaring, on his sole responsibility, conformity with all relevant legal requirements.