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Overview   Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Business Planet: The vital role of SMEs in medical research

This episode of Business Planet comes from the German city of Bonn. The team looks at a unique partnership between researchers, universities, pharmaceutical giants and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) aimed at providing new treatments for patients and business opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Bridging the digital skills gap

On 17-18 October 2016 a conference was held in Bratislava, Slovakia on 'Europe in the Digital era - where skills are making the difference'. Speakers addressed the shortage of ICT professionals and highlighted that the skills gap must to be bridged if Europe is to remain competitive.

Innovation starts in the workplace - EUWIN conference

Innovation is a complex process. And during these times of digital revolution, the human factor is often overlooked. The European Workplace Innovation Network (EUWIN) conference on 10 October will give you a unique occasion to discover fascinating stories about companies who are champions in fully utilising the potential of their employees.

Powering Innovation - Design Summit

Design has a transformational impact on innovation – from promoting business productivity, stimulating jobs and economic growth, to being a valuable tool for more effective policymaking and public sector delivery.

Women Entrepreneurs get support with WEgate platform

Today WEgate, the online platform for Women Entrepreneurs, is being launched. It’s the creation of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and EASME, the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized enterprises.

First COSME guarantee agreement in Slovakia: €100 million for SMEs

The European Investment Fund (EIF) and Československá obchodná banka a.s. (CSOB) have signed the first COSME guarantee agreement in Slovakia benefiting from the support of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), which is at the heart of the Investment Plan for Europe.