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Public consultation on Methylisothiazolinone (MI) in the framework of Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 - rinse-off cosmetic products

Public consultation on Methylisothiazolinone (MI) in the framework of Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on cosmetic products - rinse-off cosmetic products

Related topics


Deadline:  01/07/2016


Policy field(s)

Enterprise and Industry,  Internal  Market,  Consumer Affairs,   Public Health

Target group

Any interested parties, including national authorities, manufacturers of cosmetic products, producers of the substances concerned, and relevant industry and consumers associations.

Period of consultation

From 1 April to 1 July 2016.


Background document

Proposed modifications

Proposed modifications to Annex V of the Cosmetics Regulation


The Commission invites interested parties, including national authorities, manufacturers of cosmetic products, producers of the substances concerned, and relevant industry and consumers associations, to submit their comments on the proposed measures and on their possible economic impact.

In relation to the economic impact, the information/comments should refer, among other things, to:

  • the feasibility of the proposed changes;
  • competitiveness, markets and trade;
  • direct and indirect costs imposed on business, including SMEs;
  • innovation and research;
  • specific regions, sectors or workers;
  • non-EU countries and international relations;
  • the macroeconomic environment.

How to submit your contribution

Comments* should be sent with the reference: 'Methylisothiazolinone in rinse-off cosmetic products - Public Consultation' by post or e-mail by 1 July 2016 at the latest, to:

European Commission
Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Unit D/4, Health Technology and Cosmetics,
Office BREY 12 / 010
B-1040 Brussels,



The consultation is available in English.

Results of the consultation

Summary Report of the consultation

Protection of Personal data

Specific privacy statement

Protection of personal data


 * In the interest of transparency, organisations (including NGOs, trade associations, commercial enterprises, etc.) are invited to provide the public with information about themselves by registering in the Interest Representative Register and subscribing to its Code of Conduct.

• If you are a Registered Organisation, please indicate the name and address of your organisation and your Register ID number, on the first page of your contribution. Your contribution will then be considered as representing the views of your organisation.
• If your organisation is not registered, you have the opportunity to register now. You may then submit your contribution as a Registered Organisation.
• Responses from organisations not registered will be published separately.

The Commission asks organisations who wish to submit comments within the context of public consultations to provide the Commission and the public at large with information about whom and what they represent. If an organisation decides not to provide this information, it is the Commission's stated policy to list the contribution as part of the individual contributions. (Consultation Standards, see COM (2002) 704, and Communication on ETI Follow-up, see COM (2007) 127 of 21/03/2007).