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Study on the current situation and prospects of mutual societies in Europe

In some EU countries mutual societies are not allowed to operate or conduct certain activities, and have limited possibilities to form horizontal cross-border groups. The European Commission conducted a study on mutual societies that recommends how to remove the obstacles that mutual societies are facing.

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Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Deadline:  14/06/2013

The aim of the public consultation was to gather input on:

  • possible promotion of this type of enterprise 
  • the need and possible advantages of a proposal for a Regulation establishing the legal statute for a European Mutual Society

The Commission received 305 responses.


Report on the comments on the open consultation for the promotion of mutual societies in the EU - 2013 (108 kB)

Next steps:

The Commission is looking into the possibility of proposing:

  • a Regulation containing the rules on the creation of a European Mutual by enterprises from different EU countries
  • a Directive laying down rules for employee involvement in the decision making process of their company, along the lines of the model used for the statutes for a European Company and a European Cooperative Society.