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Feasibility study to facilitate exchange of information between Poison Centres

Feasibility study on interlinked databases, format and basic application to facilitate exchange of information between Poison Centres, according to Article 45 (4) of EC Regulation No. 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation)

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Deadline:  12/09/2014

The objective of the service contract is to provide the European Commission with tools to support the electronic submission of information related to the chemical composition of mixtures.

These tools are threefold:

  • a harmonised data submission XML format,
  • a basic application for input of data in the defined format
  • and an analysis of options for a secure data exchange.

The study will be made in the framework of Article 45(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (EC) ("CLP").

Moreover, the study shall assess and propose options for establishing data exchange between several local databases having different systems depending on the Member State. The submission of the information for emergency health purposes is currently managed at national/regional level and direct exchange of information between different appointed bodies would facilitate preventive and curative measures. The proposed good practices shall take into account the confidentiality of the information exchanged.