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Mapping and performance check of the supply side of tourism education and training

The purpose of this contract is to study the education and training offered in the tourism sector and to assess its performance in delivering the qualitative skills needed on the labour market.

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Deadline:  24/10/2013

The contract aims at giving an overview of education and training provision dedicated to tourism occupations, the skills covered by its learning outcomes and the skills needs that remain unattended. This will include a detailed fiche for each country, thee identification of best practices and recommendations for action.
The main activities to be carried out are:

  • Compiling and completing the overview of skills and competences required by the different occupations in the sector
  • Describing and analysing the educational systems -in each EU 28 Member States- providing tourism-specific education and training
  • Analysing the available education and training for tourism occupations and carrying out a qualitative performance check of its delivery against the skills sets identified
  • Disseminating the results and organising a final conference