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Integrated delivery market to boost e-commerce in the EU

Related topics

Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Deadline:  22/02/2013

Target group

Citizens, enterprises, and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation. Anyone who sends, transports, delivers, facilitates the transport, and/ or receives parcels is strongly encouraged to participate.


  • From 29.11.2012 to 22.02.2013 – (closed).


Three priority areas have been identified to address the problems and challenges faced by e-retailers and consumers in the EU:

  • Improving convenience of delivery services for consumers and SMEs across the EU
  • Ensuring more cost effective delivery solutions and better prices for consumers and SMEs
  • Promoting improved interoperability of delivery services between operators, and between operators and e-retailers, notably SMEs.

How to submit your contribution

The participation period to this consultation is now over.

Received contributions will be published on the Internet. It is important to read the specific privacy statement attached to this consultation for information on how your personal data and contribution will be dealt with.

Consultation document

Reference documents and other related consultations

Contact details

Responsible services:

Internal Market and Services DG,
Unit E3 (On line services)



Postal address:

European Commission,
DG Internal Market and Services
On line services unit (E3)
1049 Brussels

Number of responses received to this consultation

89 contributions were received.

View the contributions

Results of consultation and next steps

On the basis of the information gathered through the consultation, the Commission has identified a set of actions to take for completing the single market for parcels. These follow-up actions, as announced in the Green Paper, are presented in the Communication of the Commission “A roadmap for completing the single market for parcel delivery - Build consumer trust in delivery services and encourage on line sales”.

Protection of personal data and privacy statement