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Stakeholder Consultation on the revision of Directive 97/68/EC on emissions from non-road mobile machinery engines

The non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) sector covers a large variety of equipment types which are used in many different economic activities such as construction, agriculture, rail or inland waterway transport.

Deadline:  08/04/2013

See alsoConsultation page


Combustion engines used in this machinery are regulated by Directive 97/68/EC which aims at reducing air pollutant emissions and providing a harmonised basis for placing these engines on the EU market.

Despite the limits set by Directive 97/68/EC and its subsequent amendments, the NRMM sector has become an increasingly important source of air pollution, in particular of NOx and particulate matter. In order to reverse this trend, the European Commission has been exploring different options for revising the Directive. The overall objective of the revision is to further contribute to the improvement of the air quality in Europe while at the same time ensuring the correct functioning of the internal market.

In this context, the European Commission is launching a public consultation to gather views from relevant stakeholders. The outcome of this consultation will inform the Commission's impact assessment and, if appropriate, the legislative proposal which the Commission intends to present in 2013.