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Implementation of Euro 6 light-duty vehicle pollutant emission standards in the EU and benchmark Euro 6 against international emission standards

DG ENTR and DG ENV launch an open tender for a study regarding the implementation of Euro 6 light-duty vehicle pollutant emission standards in the EU and benchmark them against international emission standards

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Deadline:  07/09/2012

See alsoDG Environment web site

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Enterprise (DG ENTR) and Directorate-General for the Environment (DG ENV) see the need for a study to inform the debate with stakeholders on the implementation of Euro 6 standards, in particular on the costs and time involved to implement the technologies needed for upcoming Euro 6 emission standards. In order to orient the current debate it is moreover necessary to see Euro 6 standards in an international context and to benchmark them against emission standards in force in other parts of the world. The general purpose of the assignment is to provide support to the Commission in its implementation of the Euro 5/6 legislation. The legislation requires the Commission to propose a Euro 6 emission testing method which reflects emissions under 'normal conditions'. In this aim the Commission wants to bring forward real-world emission testing methodology and reliable statistical evaluation methods not later than 2013. This contract supports this action.


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