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Consultation on improving supply of raw materials in Europe through innovation

Raw materials are vital for the EU’s economy and particularly crucial for the development of modern environmentally friendly technologies such as electric cars and photovoltaics. However their availability is increasingly under pressure. Therefore, the European Commission is seeking ideas to ensure Europe’s sustainable access and supply of raw materials. Are there ways to replace raw materials by other materials or more advanced processes? Has Europe the innovative power to extract and to use raw materials in a more efficient and economically viable way? Can Europe improve its recycling capacity to fully use the potential of raw materials present in consumer goods and high-tech applications?

Deadline:  20/06/2011

See alsoConsultation documents and questionnaire...

The European Commission launched, on 15 April 2011, an online public consultation on a possible Innovation Partnership on raw materials. The initial deadline for contribution was set for Friday 27 May. Following several requests by stakeholders, the Commission is happy to extend the deadline for contributions until Monday 20 June 2011.

The contributions can be found via Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry’s Raw Materials website (web archive).