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FP7-SEC-2010-1 Testing and validation guidelines for Topic SEC-2010.3.1-1

European-wide integrated border control system - phase II.

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Deadline:  26/11/2009

These testing and validation guidelines (pdf) have been prepared to provide additional information to the consortia proposing projects for topic SEC-2010.3.1-1 "European-wide integrated border control system - phase II" [see pages 19 to 22 of the Work Programme] (pdf), which is covered by the 2010 call for proposals of the Security Research Theme of FP7 (web archive).

The document, prepared together with FRONTEX, is meant to provide guidance and to support proposers in organising their approach to ensure in their proposal a structured development and validation of a demonstration of 'system of systems' solutions for border surveillance and control. The document should be seen as complementing the information provided in the Work programme.

Relevant policy background information on the "Stockholm Programme" (defining the priorities of the European Union in the areas of freedom, security and justice) can be obtained at:

These guidelines are to be considered only on a voluntary basis and are not binding: the text of the Work Programme will always prevail over that of these guidelines.