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Entrepreneurial culture of young people, and entrepreneurship education

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Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Deadline:  20/04/2009

The European Commission has published a new call for proposals on "Entrepreneurial culture of young people and entrepreneurship education". This action aims to implement the Small Business Act and the Oslo Agenda for Entrepreneurship Education in Europe by promoting winning ideas in the field of education for entrepreneurship. Projects with a clear European added value will receive co-funding from the Commission. Applicants should act in a consortium: projects must involve a minimum number of partners from different countries (see the call's specifications, page 9).

NOTE: Submission Set has been updated - see p 21

Projects with a clear European added value will receive co-funding from the Commission, particularly (but not exclusively) in areas such as:

(1) Establishing a cross-European workshop programme for entrepreneurship professors;

(2) Creating a common on-line platform for entrepreneurship educators;

(3) Creating a European Entrepreneurship Educators Network;

(4) Fostering entrepreneurship among female university graduates;

(5) Fostering the entrepreneurial mindsets of young people outside the educational environment;

(6) Developing innovative and practice-based teaching material for higher education.


Final date for submission: 20 April 2009 delivery by hand up until 16:00hrs/4pm CET .

Please note that additional information may be posted on this web page during the publication stage. As such, we encourage you to visit this page regularly.