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Towards a comprehensive and ambitious post-2012 climate change agreement

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Deadline:  10/10/2008

See alsoResults

The European Commission has launched a stakeholder consultation on the different building blocks of the Bali Road Map that would enable the world to limit global warming to no more than 2°C above pre-industrial temperatures.
Your feed-back has been very useful in the process of defining the EU’s position in Copenhagen conference at the end of 2009.

The Commission’s questionnaire gathered opinions on

  • Mitigation commitments by developed countries
  • Mitigation actions by developing countries (including opinions on technology transfer from developed countries)
  • structure of an international Carbon market
  • actions to minimise Carbon leakage
  • implementation of Sectoral approaches
  • need to address emissions from international air and maritime transport as well as from deforestation and forest degradation
  • mechanisms to cover adaptation needs and support for most vulnerable countries
  • technology cooperation
  • finance and investments, and
  • compliance and enforcement of the new agreement


All these topics are extremely relevant for the future of EU industries and companies.

The deadline for the Consultation was 10th October 2008.