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LIFE environment projects - SMEs encouraged to apply

SMEs and a range of other European organisations can now apply for funding from the EU to support a wide variety of “green” projects. In July, the European Commission published a call for proposals under its LIFE+ programme, a financial instrument which aims to protect and nurture the natural environment.

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Deadline:  21/11/2008

The LIFE+ programme supports the development and implementation of EU policy on the environment and covers three specific areas: nature and biodiversity; environmental policy and governance; and information and communications.

The Commission has built a four-month consultation period into the call timetable to help applicants submit good quality proposals. Advice on the call will be provided through a series of workshops, to take place in every Member State between July and November 2008.

Applicants must send their proposals to Member State authorities by 21 November 2008.

More than €207 million has been made available for the 2008 call, which covers a range of issues. Under nature and biodiversity, grants will fund projects that aim to protect, conserve and restore natural systems, habitats and flora and fauna.

Policy and governance themes include climate change, water management, air quality, soil preservation and initiatives that aim to improve the environmental performance of urban areas. The call also covers activities that seek to disseminate information and raise awareness on environmental issues, including forest fire prevention.

Project proposals will then be evaluated by the Commission between January and July 2009, before grant agreements are signed by 31 December 2009.Successful applicants could expect to start work on projects funded by this call from January 2010.

Read the call for proposals here (web archive).