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EuroCommerce: Ms McGuinness talks about the EU financial system, and how it links to the organisation’s work.

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Capital Markets Union

date:  27/07/2021

‘Finance and investment: driving green recovery and investment’

On 29 June 2021, Commissioner McGuinness gave a EuroCommerce policy talk, in which she touched on a wide variety of key issues. She began by underlining the importance of the single market, stressing that it is an essential part of the European Union. Ms McGuinness discussed the importance of harnessing a capital markets union that is European, which would help EU businesses and those in need of equity investment. She reiterated the EU’s commitment to transforming the economy and societies towards a more sustainable future. She emphasized the role of financial markets in this effort, and how the EU classification system – or ‘taxonomy’ – is underpinning this work. Ms McGuinness also spoke about investment protection. She mentioned the termination of the intra-EU bilateral investment treaties. And she said that, looking forward to what might replace them, the aim is that investors can invest across EU countries with the confidence that rules are in place to protect their investments.   

You can read the full speech here