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The European Commission launches a public consultation on the upcoming retail investment strategy.

date:  31/05/2021

Public consultation on forthcoming retail investment strategy

What? The European Commission has launched a public consultation to feed into the development of a retail investment strategy. 

When? 11 May 2021 – 3 August 2021

Why? The Commission is currently preparing a retail investment strategy for the first half of 2022. The aim of the consultation is to gather views and opinions to feed into this strategy and help the Commission develop policies that ensure retail investors have the confidence to take full advantage of the potential capital markets offer. Everybody can take part in the public consultation. The Commission is hoping in particular to hear from individuals and households (in their capacity as retail investors) and organisations representing consumer/retail investor interests. By making the rules suitably adapted to the profile and needs of consumers, the Commission hopes to encourage more people to invest in capital markets. 

Want to know more? Read more about retail financial services and take part in the consultation