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Public hearing on the capital markets union mid-term review

The capital markets union – the EU's plan to offer vital, alternative sources of funding for Europe's businesses – is more important than ever. This public hearing will feed into the capital markets union mid-term review, which the Commission will present before the summer. It will take stock of the progress made so far since the launch of the action plan in September 2015 and discuss what further steps are needed. It follows a recent public consultation in which stakeholders called for continuing the momentum behind the capital markets union.

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Capital Markets Union

date:  31/03/2017

The hearing, which will be opened by Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis in the morning and by Vice-President Jyrki Katainen for the afternoon session, will start with a high-level discussion on the implementation of the capital markets union action plan and the challenges and priorities for the mid-term review. There will then follow three thematic panels:

  • Promoting access to finance for SMEs
  • Better investment opportunities for retail and institutional investors
  • Improving the functioning of the single market by removing barriers to cross-border flow of capital

Practical information:

When: 11 April 2017

Where: Brussels, Charlemagne building – 170 rue de la Loi – Alcide de Gasperi Auditorium

Hashtag: #CMU

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