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Portrait: Maria Teresa Fabregas

Head of the Securities Markets’ unit (in DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union) tells us about her current job and background, both within and outside the European Commission.

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Securities MiFID

date:  25/06/2015

You are the Head of Unit for the Securities Markets' unit – tell us a bit about your job and your unit's area of work.

I lead a team of 16 people working on policy development in the area of securities markets. The main purpose of our work is to contribute to the EU’s objective of making financial markets more efficient, resilient, fair and transparent – in line with the overall goal of creating growth and jobs and the capital markets union initiative. There’s a real feeling of teamwork in the group. We also work a lot with other institutions, financial regulators, industry, consumer groups, investors, NGOs… to name but a few!

Maria Teresa Fabregas

Of course, your current position was not the first step in your career. What else have you done before, in the Commission or outside?

I started working in the field of legislation for industrial goods. After that I worked on the development of better regulation practices in the Commission. I also worked on the negotiations for the free trade agreements. It was my first experience in international negotiations, so it was extremely interesting for me. And before joining the financial services sector, I was involved in the negotiations for the adoption of the services directive.  

Over the last few years, you have contributed to several important projects in the area of financial services. What would you consider your most important success? And before that, tell us something about your background and experience.

I studied law, economics and international relations in different European countries – Spain, France, the UK and Switzerland. My studies gave me the foundation I needed to start my career. But I would say that it was really the experience I’ve acquired over the years working in the Commission that has helped me to grow professionally, and brought me to where I am today. In terms of successes, I consider the whole process of developing, within a team, a legislative proposal from beginning to end and then following through the negotiations in the European Parliament and the Council very important. For instance I think the work we did on MiFID2 was particularly interesting.

What, for you, is the most interesting or inspiring thing about working for the European Commission?

I really enjoy working in a multicultural environment with intelligent and motivated people from lots of different backgrounds. It’s a very interesting place to work. Basically I am a committed European and I think it’s great to be part of this project!

Read more on the work of the Securities Markets' unit