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Sustainable finance

New call for applications for a high-level expert group to focus on scaling up sustainable finance in low- and middle-income countries.

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Capital Markets Union

date:  07/04/2022

The European Commission has launched a call for applications for a high-level expert group on scaling up sustainable finance in low and middle-income countries. The group’s main role will be to identify the major challenges and opportunities, and provide evidence-based recommendations to accelerate the flow of private capital to sustainable investments in these countries.

Dedicated Commission strategy

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact across the world, but more adversely on low- and middle-income countries, reversing years of progress towards their sustainable development. Mobilising private finance on top of public resources for sustainable investment in these countries will be key to collectively achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement objectives on climate change.

The group of experts will look at sustainability-related financial instruments and products, how to facilitate global and local investments in sustainable and SDG-aligned projects, and how an environment can be built that is conducive to accelerating private finance flows for sustainable development in low- and middle-income countries. The recommendations will inform a dedicated Commission strategy, planned for adoption in 2023. The strategy is part of the EU’s efforts to address inequalities and promote a green, just and resilient global recovery.

The high-level expert group

The high-level expert group will consist of up to 20 senior, highly qualified experts in the area of sustainable finance in low and middle-income countries, representing a broad range of expertise. The group will include, for instance, investors, asset managers, data providers, sectorial experts as well as civil society organisations and academia. 

Read more and apply to be a member of the expert group before 11/05/2022