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Commissioner McGuinness taking part in sustainable finance events at the climate summit in Glasgow.

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date:  03/11/2021

About 120 world leaders, along with advocates for climate action and environmental activists, are gathering in Glasgow for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference, which runs from 31 October to 12 November 2021. On 4 November, Mairead McGuinness, Commissioner for financial services, financial stability and capital markets union, will take part in a number of events devoted to the role of sustainable finance in the fight against climate change.   

IPSF Annual Event - Driving the transition to a sustainable economy: towards more globally interoperable sustainable finance approaches (8:30-9:30 UK time)

The International Platform for Sustainable Finance (IPSF) will mark its second anniversary at this high-level event. Representatives of the platform will set out this year’s progress and highlight the IPSF’s continuing commitment to international cooperation on sustainable finance.

The role of taxonomies to drive market alignment with the Paris Agreement (10:00-11:00 UK time)

The EU taxonomy plays a pivotal role in sustainable finance, towards the EU Green Deal objectives and in the global endeavour to transition to a more sustainable economy. This event looks at what the EU taxonomy represents for financial actors and how it can help channel capital towards sustainability objectives.

EU Sustainability Reporting Standards and the future of sustainability reporting (17:30-18:30 UK time)

This event will look at the different sustainability reporting procedures being used around the world and how they fit into the development of European sustainability reporting standards. Panellists will discuss the main features of the various initiatives – their similarities and differences – and how they can interact and lead to a fruitful collaboration.

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