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We would like to hear from you!

date:  09/10/2020

The European Commission is working on a legislative initiative that aims to strengthen the investment protection and facilitation framework in the EU. The initiative is part of the capital markets union action plan. The directorate-general for financial stability, financial services and capital markets union (DG FISMA) has commissioned a study to collect evidence on investor experiences relating to the protection of investment in the EU vis-a-vis state measures. The study includes a survey, which will collect data on possible problems related to cross-border investments in the EU and on the impact any potential policy options might have.

Target group: EU investors who are engaged in cross-border investments in EU Member States or are interested in engaging in cross-border investment but have not been able to do so due to specific barriers relating to investment protection.

Fill in the survey; deadline for responses is 25 October 2020