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Commission adopts capital markets union and digital finance initiatives

The European Commission is today presenting a number of initiatives.

date:  23/09/2020

Capital markets union

The Commission is adopting an action plan to deliver on the capital markets union. The COVID-19 crisis makes it more important than ever that  businesses – and in particular SMEs – can get the financing they need. Large and integrated capital markets can facilitate the recovery, support the green and digital transition, and help create a more inclusive and resilient EU economy.

Digital finance and retail payments

The Commission is adopting a digital finance package, which includes a strategy on retail payments and legislative proposals on crypto-assets and digital operational resilience. The aim is to make EU rules more digital-friendly and safe for consumers. The proposals should ensure that people have access to innovative financial products and modern payments solutions, while safeguarding consumer protection and financial stability.

Read more on digital finance and capital markets union