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Follow-up to our online survey

What we learned from your replies to the readership survey.

date:  30/11/2018

Dear Finance Newsletter readers,
Some 537 of you took part in the online survey about the Finance Newsletter that we carried out in October and November.
A big thank you to all of you who took the time to fill in the questionnaire and let us know what you think we are doing well – and what you think we might do better.

The replies showed that, overall, you are happy with the newsletter and that you feel that it contributes to your understanding of what the EU is doing in the areas of banking and finance. You also highlighted ways in which we could improve the newsletter further. Many of you would be interested in reading more about the state of play of the legislative process. A number of you would like more articles aimed at technical experts, while others want clear, easy-to-understand information on our policies. Therefore, we will continue to try to offer a balance of both of these things.

You also were interested in receiving more frequent news alerts on breaking news and urgent announcements. We are happy to meet this request. More specifically, we will send you all press announcements that we publish – for example, when the Commission puts forward a new legislative proposal, when we launch a consultation or react to important decisions by the European Parliament or the Council. So you can look forward to hearing from us more often and following our agenda more closely.

Over the next few months, we will also be working to reflect the other feedback you have given us in the upcoming issues.

In the meantime, we hope you continue to enjoy reading the Finance Newsletter.