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The Brussels Economic Forum: the future of the European Economy in an era of digital disruption

The Brussels Economic Forum is the flagship annual economic event of the European Commission. It brings together European and international policymakers, opinion leaders, academics, civil society and business leaders to debate hot economic topics and share new perspectives on Europe's economic challenges.

date:  15/05/2018

The 2018 edition will focus on the future of the European economy in an era of digital disruption:

  • What is the future of work in a digital economy?
  • What financial system for a deeper EMU in a digital era?
  • The future of EMU: towards more resilience and convergence

When: 5 June 2018

Where: Flagey, Place Sainte-Croix/Heilig-Kruisplein, 1050 Brussels

Hashtag: #EUBEF18

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