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Follow-up to our online survey

What we learned from your replies to the readership survey.

date:  29/09/2016

See alsoInside this issue

Dear Finance Newsletter readers,

Over 470 of you took part in the online survey about the Finance Newsletter that we carried out in June and July. A big thank you to all of you who took the time to fill in the questionnaire and let us know what you think we are doing well – and what you think we might do better.

The replies showed that, on the whole, you are happy with the overall tone and content of the newsletter and that the vast majority of you feel that it contributes to your understanding of what the EU is doing in the areas of banking and finance. You also highlighted ways in which we could improve the newsletter further. Your answers showed that many of you would be interested in reading more about the state of play of the legislative process, as well as clear, easy-to-understand information on our policies. You also were interested in receiving more frequent news alerts on specific issues or policy areas. 

Over the next few months, we will be working to reflect the feedback you have given us in the upcoming issues. We have already taken this opportunity to make a few small changes to the general look and feel of the newsletter in this issue. In this issue, we have also included an article on where you can find information on planned Commission legislation and how initiatives progress in the legislative process - and even how you can contribute to new initiatives.

We hope you continue to enjoy reading the Finance Newsletter.