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EU Finance news in brief

The Platform on Sustainable Finance submits advice to the Commission on the role of the EU taxonomy in financing the green transition.

date:  31/03/2021

Platform on Sustainable Finance submits advice that will feed into Commission's work on financing transition to sustainability

What? The European Commission welcomed the advice on financing the transition towards a greener economy. 

When? 19 March 2021.

Why? In January 2021, the Commission asked the Platform on Sustainable Finance to provide further input on how the taxonomy framework, and the existing sustainable finance framework more broadly, can help companies in their efforts to improve their environmental performance. In its advice, the platform underlines the important role the EU taxonomy can play as a tool for companies to plan and finance transition investments to reach the EU’s Green Deal and climate targets. The Commission will consider the advice when finalising the draft delegated act on climate mitigation and climate adaptation, in the context of the Taxonomy Regulation, and when preparing its renewed sustainable finance strategy and other sustainable-finance related initiatives.

Want to know more? Read the full text of the advice, more on the Taxonomy Regulation and the Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy