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Register now: GPP Helpdesk Webinar on "How the social economy contributes to the circular procurement"

Register now: GPP Helpdesk Webinar on "How the social economy contributes to the circular procurement"

date:  24/05/2022

Dear colleague,

The fourth and last webinar of 2022 is happening on 12 December, as part of the European Commission’s Helpdesk service on GPP. The European Circular Economy Action Plan and the Social Economy Action Plan recognise the synergies between social and circular economy and the need to foster them through cross-cutting policy measures, including by facilitating the participation of social economy enterprises in circular procurement. From an exchange about existing laws, projects and practices, the webinar will take stock of the opportunities and challenges related to the engagement of social economy actors in circular procurement (dimension of the phenomenon, economic activities, tools available, recommendations, etc.). 

To learn more about how to design tenders which foresee the participation of social economy enterprises in circular procurement and hear first-hand good practice, join the next EU GPP Helpdesk Webinar on Monday 12 December 2022 (11:00 to 12:30, Brussels time). Registration is now open.

•    Welcome and Introduction from the EU GPP Helpdesk, Anna Lupi, DG Grow, European Commission
•    The contribution of the social economy to circular procurement, Simone Schirru, RREUSE  
Learn how to engage social economy actors in circular procurement
•    Margarita Ruiz Sáiz-Aja (Deputy Director-General of Waste) and / or Elena Bronchalo Gonzalez, Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transitions (invited)
•    Participating in circular procurement tenders. From open calls to reserved contracts: opportunities and challenges, Giacomo Giargia, Arcobaleno cooperative (IT) 
•    Lessons learned from CircLocal COSME project, Peter Gersic, Novo Mesto (SI) 

The workshop will be facilitated by Gabriella Camarsa and Valentina Caimi, AEIDL 

Sign up today!

Date & time: Monday, 12 December 2022, 11:00 to 12:30 (Central European Time, Brussels time).

Organiser: European Commission (DG Environment) and AEIDL – European Association for Information on Local Development

Language: English

Registration & programme: Prior registration is essential. Participation is free of charge.

Register by visiting: 

Kind regards,
EU GPP Helpdesk
Tel: +49 761 368 920