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Survey to inform common guidance on biodiversity measures for agricultural supply chains - Open until 15 November

Together, the TRADE Hub, the Aligning Biodiversity Measures for Business (ABMB) collaboration and the EU B@B Platform aim to form a common view on the metrics and indicators for monitoring and disclosure of biodiversity impacts and dependencies for companies with agricultural supply chains. To initiate this collaborative effort, we invite companies sourcing or producing agricultural products in the EU or globally (e.g. farmers or producers of raw materials, distributors, producers of end products, retailers) to complete a ~20 minute survey to gain understanding on current biodiversity commitments, use and understanding of available corporate biodiversity measurement approaches and the intended application of the data acquired from tool use.

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Deadline:  15/11/2020

See alsoAccess the survey!

Context and objectives

Most businesses depend on or impact biodiversity, either directly through their activities or indirectly through their supply chains. To manage impacts and dependencies on biodiversity, and demonstrate improved performance, businesses need robust measurement approaches to understand risks and opportunities. However, a number of challenges remain related to factors such as traceability to growing locations, understanding and measurement of the full scope of impacts and dependencies, including feed for livestock, and the utility of these approaches in tracking company performance.

Various initiatives and research projects are underway to provide better insights, data and analytics to help address these challenges. There is a need to bring these initiatives together - to provide guidance, identify research gaps, and improve the linkage between existing scientific research and approaches that can be used by businesses to manage performance.

We are launching a survey to collect views and needs on biodiversity measurement approaches from businesses with European and global agricultural supply chains. The survey will run until Monday, 9 November. In parallel, partners will be conducting a number of 30-minute interviews, to deep-dive into the current use of biodiversity measurement approaches within each company and identify the gaps and/or barriers inhibiting uptake.

Anonymized results of the survey and interviews will be analysed and presented in a webinar later this year. The webinar will be open to individuals working in agricultural businesses across the globe. An overview of existing methods and tools for use in the agricultural sector will be provided, alongside a review of the survey and interview results. All lessons learned (from the survey, interviews and webinar discussions) will feed into a report that will be the foundation for developing common guidance on biodiversity measures for agricultural supply chains, anticipated to commence in 2021.

For more information on the initiative or the express interest to be interviewed, contact Johan Lammerant (EU B@B Platform) or Julie Dimitrijevic (UNEP-WCMC).