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Natura 2000 Day

date:  20/05/2020

Established under the EU’s Birds Directive and Habitats Directive, Natura 2000 is the centrepiece of the EU’s nature and biodiversity policy. Today, the EU-wide network of over 27 000 terrestrial and marine sites covers more than 18% of land area and 8% of the surrounding seas.

In order to celebrate this achievement and raise awareness of the network as an outstanding example of successful cooperation across the EU, the European Commission together with the European Parliament, the Council Presidency and the Committee of the Regions have declared the 21 May to be European Natura 2000 Day.

This year, Natura 2000 Day focuses on “young people and nature”, aiming to inspire young people across Europe to get engaged for nature protection and restoration. Given the current situation with COVID-19 in Europe, we will be celebrating this special day on social media. Use the #Natura2000 or #Natura2000Day and join us there!

Join us on social media by following the hashtag #natura2000day; #Natura2000; #Natura2000Awards