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Ireland - Framework agreement for period products

Irish Ministers of State recently published a new procurement framework that allows the public sector to easily procure period products and no-cost vending machines for use in public offices, buildings and facilities. This follows the Programme for Government’s commitment to tackle period poverty and endorses the recommendation to develop a coordinated approach to the procurement of menstrual equality products. By using the framework, public bodies can absorb the costs of purchase and thereby offer the products for free in their bathrooms.

Promoting gender equality through procurement

UNOPS recently published its report on Gender-responsive Public Procurement (2023) which demonstrates how the organisation integrates gender-sensitive procurement into its activities, presents case studies and provides recommendations on how governments can better include women-owned businesses in the procurement processes. The report shows how gender equality considerations can be integrated into procurement policies and processes, pointing out that more effective public spending can also tackle social inequalities. It also recommends 5 steps to ensure the successful implementation of GRP.

Assessment of reuse in public procurement

On 8 April 2022, Spain passed a new law (Law 7/2022) on waste and contaminated soil for a circular economy. The legislation sets ambitious objectives and mandates a progressive increase in preparation for the reuse and recycling of municipal waste. In order to review the current status of introducing reuse in public procurement in Catalonia and identify best practices from across Europe, the DG for Environmental Quality and Climate Change of the Government of Catalonia has prepared an ‘Assessment of reuse in public procurement’.

Big Buyers Working Together - New CoPs

Big Buyers Working Together will gather public buyers across Europe in 10 communities of practice, focusing on Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicles, Social Procurement, New European Bauhaus, Sustainable Solar Panels, Circular Construction, Zero-Emission Construction Sites, Digital, Mobility and Health (x2), to collaborate on finding innovative, sustainable and social solutions to current procurement challenges. The project is coordinated on behalf of the European Commission by Eurocities, ICLEI and BME. Interested in joining? Email

Employing people from a disadvantaged background in a public contract for the modernization of a cultural centre and library - Hornozemplín Library in Vranov nad Topľou, Slovakia

The Upper Zemplín Library in the Municipality of Vranov nad Topľou, Slovakia, launched a tender for the reconstruction and modernisation of its cultural centre and library. With this tender, the contracting authority intended to create a facility that could both serve the general public and also provide support to people from disadvantaged groups.

Reducing food waste by improving quality in prisons - Dutch Custodial Institution Agency, Netherlands

The Dutch Custodial Institution Agency (DJI) is responsible for the enforcement of sentences and custodial measures issued by Dutch courts as well as the day-to-day care and rehabilitation of detainees. In 2020, the DJI began a procurement process to contract for the food in all of their prisons. Notably, the DJI recognised the impact of sustainable, carbon-neutral and circular policies on its food purchasing.

New EU Ecolabel criteria for absorbent hygiene products and reusable menstrual cups

In September 2023, the European Commission adopted EU Ecolabel criteria for absorbent hygiene products and reusable menstrual cups. They are valid until 31 December 2029. The publication of the criteria was accompanied by a detailed technical report and the European Commission plans to publish manuals in early 2024 for authorities and entities awarding public contracts in both product categories.

Quality of Life in European Cities 2023 report

Almost 9 out of 10 Europeans are satisfied with life in their cities, but policymakers and leaders need to continue ensuring that residents have access to job opportunities, good public services and housing. These are the main conclusions of the 2023 Report on the Quality of Life in European Cities, released by the European Commission on 12 December.

Low Noise Road Surfaces - Webinar 6 February

The European Commission funded a number of projects to develop and use, in real context and by local authorities, these new products. The webinar will now present the concrete results and explain how local authorities can immediately benefit of these technologies, including explaining how durable, reliable and feasible they are.

Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform Survey

Help us improve the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Platform activities by filling out this short survey! Your contribution will assist us in tailoring the website and newsletter to your needs, ensuring an open, EU-wide space for all stakeholders to share knowledge on Zero Pollution topics.