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Update on Regional and Local Platforms on Large Carnivores

Regional Platforms

date:  02/12/2020

The EU Platform aims to engage with similar regional groupings which focus on conflict around large carnivore presence in different areas in the EU. The two EU-funded projects on the establishment of regional platforms on people and large carnivores work together with stakeholders to discuss issues around large carnivore coexistence on the national, regional or local context. Six regional platforms have been established in Italy, Romania, Spain and Germany, France and Sweden.

The regional platforms in Grosseto, Italy and Harghita, Romania are putting in place the actions they have agreed on in collaborations between the platform participants. In Grosseto, a short video (IT only), presenting the activities undertaken, has been produced. In Harghita, protections against bear attacks have been provided to four farms. Work included securing beehives, setting up fences for protecting cows and sheep. In Avila, an additional meeting to prioritise actions was carried out online.

The first meeting of the Vercors Platform, France took place on 14 September in Méaudre, Isère within the Vercors Regional Natural Park. The group included livestock breeders, shepherds, tourism operators and NGOs and agreed on the focus of prevention measures (especially Livestock Guarding Dogs) and other land uses. A second meeting was planned for November but was cancelled due to the restrictions with regard to the Corona pandemic.