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EU Pollinators Initiative: New EU Pollinator Information Hive

The European Commission has created a new EU Pollinator Information Hive to share information on the conservation of wild pollinator species across EU Member States.


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Nature and biodiversity

date:  26/05/2020

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The European Commission has created a new EU Pollinator Information Hive to share information on the conservation of wild pollinator species across EU Member States.

In the form of a wiki, the Hive contains information about the threats wild pollinators are facing, guidance documents on how you can help pollinators thrive, and ongoing conservation projects and initiatives at the Members State level. If you have a project that helps pollinators, you can submit it to be added to the map of conservation efforts.

The Hive is linked to the EU Pollinators Initiative, which was launched by the European Commission in June 2018 to halt the decline of pollinating insects in Europe. The initiative sets long-term objectives and short-term actions under three priorities:

  • Priority I: Improving knowledge of pollinator decline, its causes and consequences
  • Priority II: Tackling the causes of pollinator decline
  • Priority III: Raising awareness, engaging society-at-large and promoting collaboration

The business sector is strongly encouraged to take measures to protect pollinators (see priority III - action 9 of the initiative). The EU Business@Biodiversity Platform is contributing to this action plan. In 2019, the Platform invited partners (involving business contacts, platform members and partner networks at national level) to share example of business practice of actions to support pollinating insects. The Platform will continue its work to address pollinators decline throughout 2020-2022. Stay tuned!

To read more about #EUPollinators visit the European Commission page dedicated to pollinators conservation.