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Welcome to the SRI December 2022 update

With 6 Member States now engaged in official test phases, and additional ones to engage soon, 2022 has been a busy year for the Smart Readiness Indicator ! The SRI support team already recorded more than 430 requests to receive the SRI assessment package, as well as numerous technical questions and comments which demonstrate the growing interest for this common EU scheme for rating the smart readiness of buildings.

SRI certificates online survey: key findings

To help provide guidance to Member States setting out to design SRI certificates, an online certificate design survey targeted at professional stakeholders across Europe (especially: EPC assessors, estate agents and facility managers) was conducted under the auspices of the ongoing SRI support service contract. The replies from 71 completed surveys have been processed, and the SRI support team would like to take the opportunity of this newsletter to warmly thank all respondents.

SRI certificates online survey: key findings

To help provide guidance to Member States setting out to design SRI certificates, an online certificate design survey targeted at professional stakeholders across Europe (especially: EPC assessors, estate agents and facility managers) was conducted under the auspices of the ongoing SRI support service contract. The replies from 71 completed surveys have been processed, and the SRI support team would like to warmly thank all respondents.

[Reminder] Register for the SRI Platform meeting!

The second edition of the SRI Platform plenary session is coming near. It will take place as an online meeting on 🗓️ November 23rd from 🕤 9h30-12h00 CET, joining stakeholders to discuss technical, regulatory and implementation aspects of the SRI.

'SRI-explained' factsheets and resources

The Commission offers support and guidance to EU countries who want to implement the Smart Readiness Indicator, or who wish to start by launching a non-committal test phase.

SRI Explained | Lighting factsheet

The SRI support team is developing a series of factsheets to illustrate with practical examples how smart readiness of buildings is assessed with the SRI indicator.

SRI test phase in EU countries (August 2022 Update)

Two EU countries have recently decided to launch an official test phase of the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI): Finland and Croatia. They are joining the 4 countries which had already made this decision a few months ago (Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark and France). Other Member States are encouraged to join the move and test the SRI on their territories. In each of the 6 front-running countries, the national administration is supported by one or several local technical partners and by the SRI Support Team.

SRI Factsheet

The basics about the Smart Readiness Indicator are summarized in this new leaflet.