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Item Overview

Provisional guidance on the implementation of the SRI

The European Commission supports a harmonised implementation of the Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) across the Member States (MS) who voluntarily opt to implement it. This document, is an output of the activities of the SRI support team, and aims to provide provisional guidance on the implementation of the SRI during the period when Member States may opt to conduct test phases. At a future date the European Commission may prepare formal guidance on the implementation of the SRI informed by the experience accrued during the national test phases. The current version presents guidance that draws upon the knowledge of the SRI technical support team and some experience already relayed through provisional MS testing.

Inspirational cases report now in 24 languages

"Tackling energy poverty through local actions ‒ Inspiring cases from across Europe" is the result of extensive research on energy poverty leading to a collection of more than 200 cases. From retrofit plans to grants, information campaigns and consultation visits to vulnerable households, discover 24 projects and measures tackling energy poverty.

Methane emissions and the Global Methane Pledge

Methane is the 2nd greatest greenhouse gas contributor to climate change following carbon dioxide. Learn more about methane and the Global Methane Pledge that was launched by the EU and the US at COP26.

Global Targets for Energy Transition

The EU, together with the United Arab Emirates and the more than 120 countries that endorsed the pledge after its launch in December 2023, will continue discussions on implementation of the clean energy transition and monitor global progress on a yearly basis in the 7 years that follow COP28, until 2030.

Island Voices @ COP29

Island Innovation will host the “Island Voices @COP29” virtual space to share key insights and developments related to island communities. The platform is designed for those attending COP29 and those following from afar, and will connect both Small Island Developing States and Sub-National Island Jurisdictions.

Enlit Europe

Enlit is a high-level energy forum connecting industries, inspiring actions and helping Europe evolve into one decarbonised and digitalised energy system for the energy transition. The forum addresses every aspect of the energy agenda, from decarbonisation of industry and transportation, to power generation and energy storage!

Explore: EU RegionsWeek 2024 - Empowering communities

The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union Cohesion Policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance.

EUR 27 Weekly oil bulletin n° 2209, prices at 24/06/2024 - Bulletin pétrolier hebdomadaire EUR 27 n° 2209 prix au 24/06/2024 - EUR 27 Wochentliche oil bulletin n° 2209, preise am 24/06/2024

DUE TO RUSSIAN AGGRESSION ON UKRAINE (WHICH BEGUN ON 24.02.2022), ALL INTERNATIONAL ENERGY PRICES WENT UP TO A NEW LEVEL. Prices for Euro 95, diesel, heating oil, and LPG eased down accross the board due to easing of the situation in the Near East. Due to pending change of the methodology, Bulgaria is ceasing the reporting on the price for heating oil until further notice. Czechia increased subsidies for heating oil since 01.08.2023. Ireland increased excise taxes from 01.09.2023. Slovenia has new excise duty for Euro 95, diesel and heating oil valid from 10.10.2023. Ireland increased carbon tax on Euro 95 and diesel from 11 October 2023. Cyprus increased excises on Euro 95 and diesel from 1.11.2023. NEW 2024 changes since 1.1.2024 are the following: Germany increased other indirect taxes (CO2 part) for Euro 95 and diesel, LPG and heating oil; Hungary increased excise taxes and lowered other indirect taxes for Euro 95, diesel and heating oil; Denmark increased excises on Euro 95, diesel, heating oil and fuel oil; Luxembourg increased excises for Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil; Poland increased excise taxes for Euro 95, diesel and LPG; Sweden lowered excises on Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil; Austria increased other indirect taxes for Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil; Romania increased excises on Euro 95, diesel, LPG and heating oil. Slovenia: new excise duty for Euro super 95, Automotive gas oil and Heating gas oil in force from 12.3.2024. Cyprus: new excise duty for Euro super 95 and Automotive gas oil from 01.04.2024. Ireland: new excise duty for Heating oil from 01.05.2024. Prices for Bulgaria updated. NEW: PLEASE FIND ATTACHED XLS FILES ON PRICES WITH TAX, PRICES WITHOUT TAX AND HISTORIC PRICES UPDATE