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ECI organiser attends MEP debate on ‘Fairosene’

An organiser of the European citizens’ initiative Ending the aviation fuel tax exemption in Europe (‘Fairosene’) spoke at the European Parliament’s Committee on Petitions meeting on 1 September. The Committee chair explained that although the ECI is not a petition, MEPs felt that the efforts of the organisers to gather support justified a discussion in the Petitions Committee, despite not reaching the 1 million signature mark. Tassos Papachristou, substitute representative of the ‘Fairosene’ European citizen’ initiative, presented its objectives and thanked Members for the ‘privilege to talk about a topic important for the future’. Several MEPs strongly supported the initiative’s objectives. You can watch the recording of the debate by clicking the ‘more’ button.

New initiative registered: ‘Ensuring Common Commercial Policy conformity with EU Treaties and compliance with international law’

On 8 September, the European Commission decided to register a new ECI entitled ‘Ensuring Common Commercial Policy conformity with EU Treaties and compliance with international law’. The organisers of the initiative call on the Commission to ‘propose legal acts based on the Common Commercial Policy to prevent EU legal entities from both importing products originating in illegal settlements in occupied territories and exporting to such territories, in order to preserve the integrity of the internal market and to not aid or assist the maintenance of such unlawful situations.’

It is important to highlight that the initiative invites the Commission to submit a proposal for a legal act under the Common Commercial Policy, which is general in nature and does not target a specific country or territory. Organisers have 6 months to open the signature collection. Learn more about the 8th initiative registered this year by clicking the link below.