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2024 infographic released

The 2024 European Citizens' Initiative Infographic is now live on the ECI Forum, packed with insights about successful initiatives since 2012, complete with sociodemographic details about ECI organisers.

Data Protection and the European citizens' initiative

If you are involved in organising an ECI, you will find yourself in possession of the personal data of people who support your initiative. These data are subject to the General Data Protection Regulation, and this means that you (or your organisation) are responsible for them, and you should make sure that you know what your responsibilities are. Check out our FAQ section to make sure you are fully compliant.

New blogs: ideas generated by young people at two events

Fresh proposals for European citizens’ initiatives took centre stage at the Level Up! youth event in Brussels and ECI Boot camp in Bucharest this spring.

From tackling food waste and protecting coral reefs to promoting digital democracy, see how these creative.

ECI Forum website revamp and usability testing

The ECI Forum website is undergoing a revamp, and we need your feedback by 30 June!

We're conducting a usability test with a mock-up and invite you to participate. To join, simply email the ECI Forum at

Your insights will help us create a more user-friendly and intuitive platform.

How to activate the unengaged? Webinar wrap-up

The ECI Forum held a webinar on 13 June about activating the unengaged for your European Citizens' Initiative (ECI). The recap and webinar recording are now available on the ECI Forum. Stay tuned for a blog post with the main tips and tricks shared and look out for our future webinars.

Summer learning for future ECI organisers!

Join our online course 'Essential Skills for European Citizens’ Initiative Organisers' and learn from experts on how to get your initiative registered and successfully collect one million signatures for your ECI.


Share your feedback on this newsletter!

With more than 150,000 subscribers – this newsletter is growing monthly! .... Help us improve it and make sure it is relevant to your needs... The survey is available in all EU languages – choose your language once you click on ‘more’.

Please note that the newsletter will be taking a summer break; our next edition will be sent out at the end of August. We would like to wish all of you a wonderful summer!

Initiative updates: Status of support per Initiative

To be considered by the European Commission, citizens’ initiatives require 1 million valid signatures. Several initiatives reached the following significant milestones:

Over 525,000: My Voice, My Choice: For Safe and Accessible Abortion (deadline: April 2025).

Over 200,000: Taxing great wealth to finance the ecological and social transition (deadline: October 2024).

Over 50,000: Ban on conversion practices in the European Union (deadline: May 2025).

Over 20,000:

Visit our website to learn more about all ongoing initiatives.

Two new initiatives registered

The Commission registered two citizens’ initiatives on 19 June. They will be available to support soon.

Stop Destroying Videogames calls on the Commission to require publishers of video games to leave the games in a functional state once support for the game ends. Currently, when support is withdrawn, gamers lose access, whether they have finished playing or not.

Air quotas calls for a citizens’ carbon quota mechanism in each country that would encourage businesses to decarbonise through consumer demand. The organisers consider that it should cover all purchases of goods and services, starting with air transport.

Follow the link to find out more about these and other initiatives currently looking for support.

New Blog: ECI-inspired school competition

Read all about the ImagineEU video competition for secondary schools, which ran during the 2023-24 school year. Three winning teams, from among 400, were awarded a study trip to Brussels. Watch the souvenir video of the study trip and learn more about how the competition was run.

New Success Story: ‘Fur Free Europe’

Follow the journey of the ‘Fur Free Europe’ initiative which collected 1.5 million signatures calling for an EU ban on fur farming and fur product sales in the Single Market.

Learn about their strategies and milestones in the ECI Forum's latest Success Story.

Two new ECI Ambassadors

In the past month, we’ve welcomed two new ECI Ambassadors to our network.

The ECI Ambassadors are vital in helping to make available information about the ECI at national and local levels, and empowering citizens to make use of their EU citizenship rights. Both new members focus on engaging with young people.

We would like to welcome:

  • Alexandre Jorge, from Portugal
  • Stand Up for Europe, represented by Sebastian Berchesan

If you would like to find out more about our ECI Ambassador programme, visit the ECI website by clicking ‘more’.

Initiative updates: Status of support per Initiative

To be considered by the European Commission, citizens’ initiatives require 1 million valid signatures.

Several initiatives reached the following significant milestones.

The ‘European Cannabis Initiative’, registered in February 2024, withdrew this month, before starting collection.

Visit our website to learn more about all ongoing initiatives.