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Temporary measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

To help initiative organisers whose campaigns have been impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak, in 2020 the EU Institutions took swift measures allowing for the extension of deadlines for the collection, verification and examination phases applicable to European citizens’ initiatives. New measures have just been adopted.

Check out the discussion threads on the European Citizens' Initiative Forum

The European Citizens’ Initiative Forum is a collaborative platform, which aims to provide citizens with practical information and advice on the European Citizens’ Initiative. It has many features including a space for citizens to share and discuss their ideas. The most commented discussion topic this year was about the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on European citizens’ initiatives. Head over to the “Discuss” section to find out what else citizens have been talking about.

Get advice from the European Citizens' Initiative Forum

This year again, the European Citizens’ Initiative Forum has provided valuable support to European citizens’ initiative organisers. The Forum’s team answered 43 enquiries about launching and running a European citizens’ initiative. The most frequent queries received are related to the legal aspects of the instrument, followed by campaigning and fundraising.

Head to the European Citizens’ Initiative Forum for some holiday reading

Throughout the year, many key actors in the field of participatory democracy have shared their thoughts, experiences and tips on the European Citizens’ Initiative Forum. Check out the most viewed blogposts including “European Citizens' Initiative Secrets of Success Revealed: Insider Tips on How to Get 1,6 Million Signatures and Surpass the Threshold in Twenty-One EU Member States” among many others.

Spread the word about the European Citizens’ Initiative

Get involved in raising awareness about the European Citizens’ Initiative. You can find communication material in all EU languages on the European Citizens’ Initiative website. You can also share information posted on social media by following the ‘#EUTakeTheInitiative’ hashtag.

European Citizens’ Initiative ambassadors

In 2020, the European Commission launched the European Citizens’ Initiative ambassadors’ programme. The European Citizens' Initiative Ambassadors from all across the EU agreed to join our efforts to make the ECI better known by sharing information about the European Citizens’ Initiative with their networks. Take a look at the representatives who have joined the programme so far.

The European Citizens’ Initiative Week – everything you need to know!

In November, the European Commission held a week-long digital event built around the European Citizens’ Initiative. Throughout the Week, institutional representatives, members of civil society, citizens and organisers of past and ongoing initiatives discussed: how to make the reformed European Citizens’ Initiative a success, what makes the ECI unique, how to launch an initiative and campaign in COVID-19 times and much more. All recordings are available on the event webpage.

The European Citizens’ Initiative reform: one year on

In January 2020, new rules brought in by the reform of the European Citizens’ Initiative started to apply. They aim to make the European Citizens’ Initiative process easier and more user-friendly with the aim to encourage more citizens to get involved.

It’s a wrap! – European Citizens’ Initiative Week

The European Citizens’ Initiative Week took place from 16 to 20 November. Throughout the Week, institutional representatives, members of civil society, citizens and organisers of past and ongoing initiatives discussed: how to make the reformed European Citizens’ Initiative a success, what makes the ECI unique, how to launch an initiative and campaign in COVID-19 times and much more. Read about the highlights of each session on the European Citizens’ Initiative Forum.

European Citizens’ Initiative Week – Day 1: ‘The European Citizen’ Initiative 2.0: Design, Engage, Impact!’

The European Commission’s Vice-President for Values and Transparency, Věra Jourová opened the European Citizens’ Initiative Week, setting the context and the aims for the Week. She was joined by representatives of other EU institutions and the civil society to discuss the impacts of the first year of the reform. If you weren’t able to watch the session, the recording is now available.

European Citizens’ Initiative Week: My European Citizens’ Initiative Journey!

The European Citizens’ Initiative Week was also an opportunity to hear from past and current organisers. Two sessions were dedicated to their stories. They shared their experiences and gave some practical and useful tips on how to lead a successful campaign. If you weren’t able to watch the session, the recordings are now available.