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Pierre Moscovici, Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs

The Eurogroup agreement achieves what we have been calling for: a credible, upfront set of measures, which will meaningfully lighten Greece's debt burden, allow the country to stand on its own two feet, and reassure all partners and investors. Today, eight long years of crisis come to an end for Greece and, symbolically, for the euro area as a whole. Today a new chapter begins.

Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission

“…we must equip the EU and our euro area with the necessary tools to deliver even more prosperity and stability. Today's proposals are about making the Economic and Monetary Union the protecting and uniting force that it was conceived to be. The Investment Plan for Europe has proven a success when it comes to mobilising private investment and creating jobs in Europe… With InvestEU, we are taking this successful model and expanding it across the many EU financing programmes on offer.”

Euro area reform cannot wait, says Eurogroup President Mário Centeno

The euro area needs to act now to complete Europe’s economic and Monetary Union so as to realise the full benefits of the euro and defeat populism, said Eurogroup President Mário Centeno, at the Brussels Economic Forum. “When our leaders meet in three weeks’ time, here in Brussels, we have a choice to either remain vulnerable to the next crisis and to political or market instability; or to be bold and decide to take the euro more seriously,” he said, in a keynote speech closing the Forum.