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Real Economy examines Europe’s ticking time bomb: wage inequality

Real Economy examines Europe’s ticking time bomb: wage inequality

date:  28/06/2018

See alsoEurope’s Ticking Time Bomb: Wage Inequ...

In the latest edition of Real Economy, Euronews looks at the rise of inequality in Europe. The top 20% of Europeans now earn five times more than the bottom 20%, a trend driven by faster income growth at the top and slower than average growth at the bottom. While the impact of inequality has been felt the most in countries like Romania and Portugal, it's also been felt in Italy, and even in Germany. Moreover, inequality has a regional component, with average and minimum wages varying widely across Europe. There is also a sizeable gender pay gap which also varies depending upon the EU country. Europe’s consumption-led growth has meant that a lot of jobs have been created at the lower end of the wage spectrum. So, to earn more, many Europeans move to another country (12% of Europeans migrate for work). Across Europe, young people are leaving in droves for EU and non-EU countries which can give them better incomes. According to Luca Visentini, Secretary General of the European Trade Union Confederation, inequality “depresses productivity and competitiveness, and it doesn’t make the labour market efficient,” while supporting precarious workers “takes out available resources for investment. So, in the end, it’s a vicious circle that destroys the growth potential of the economy.”