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Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice-President for the Euro and Social Dialogue, also in charge of Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union

“Europe is in good economic times, but rising risks indicate that this will not last forever. EU countries need well-targeted investments and renewed reform efforts to strengthen their growth fundamentals and increase productivity. On the budgetary policy side, it is time to reduce public debt levels and rebuild fiscal buffers. This will give us the room for manoeuvre we'll need when the next downturn comes. Now is also the time to make progress on deepening Europe's Economic and Monetary Union.”

European Semester Autumn Package: Bolstering inclusive and sustainable growth

The Commission has set out the EU's economic and social priorities for 2019, presented Opinions on Draft Budgetary Plans and confirmed the existence of particularly serious non-compliance with the Stability and Growth Pact in the case of Italy; Greece has also been integrated into the European Semester for the first time.

Pierre Moscovici, European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs

“The European economy is holding up well, with growth easing gradually. We project this pattern will continue over the next two years, as unemployment continues to fall to levels not seen since before the crisis. Public debt in the euro area is set to continue declining, with the deficit remaining well below 1% of GDP. In an increasingly uncertain international environment, policy-makers both in Brussels and in national capitals must work to ensure that the euro area is strong enough to deal with whatever the future might hold.”

Euro area and EU debt and deficit levels fall

According to data released on 23 October by Eurostat, the EU statistical office, at the end of the second quarter of 2018, the government debt to GDP ratio in the euro area stood at 86.3%, compared with 86.9% at the end of the first quarter of 2018.