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Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for Economy

"The Commission considered that Croatia is ready to adopt the euro beginning 1 January 2023. And I'm pleased that there was full support today among all ministers for our conclusion and for the adoption of the necessary legal acts. Please, recall where Croatia is coming from. Not only what they are doing now, the importance of the Government's achievement, but the fact that in the 1990s Croatia was in a war – a terrible war. And the fact that now they are joining the single currency is incredibly positive for the country and for our Union."

Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for Economy

"With the course of the war and the reliability of gas supplies unknown, this forecast is subject to high uncertainty and downside risks. To navigate these troubled waters, Europe must show leadership, with three words defining our policies: solidarity, sustainability and security."

Paolo Gentiloni, European Commissioner for Economy

“Today marks a historic milestone on Croatia's European journey, reflecting the determined efforts the Croatian authorities have made to meet the criteria for entry into the euro area. The Croatian people can now look forward to joining more than 340 million citizens already using the euro as their currency, a rock of stability in these turbulent times. And in the year in which we celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the euro's birth as a physical currency, the euro area as a whole can now look forward to welcoming its twentieth member.”

Convergence Report 2022

Assessment of Member States with a derogation regarding their fulfilment of the conditions for euro adoption.