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EU provides €300 million in macro-financial assistance to support the Tunisian people

The European Commission, on behalf of the EU, disbursed €300 million in macro-financial assistance (MFA) on 25 May to support the Tunisian people.

The European and Tunisia flags © European Union
European Union

date:  02/06/2022

See alsoFonds européen de la défense: 1 millia...

This is the second and final disbursement to Tunisia under the package of macro-financial assistance measures approved to mitigate the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthen macroeconomic stability. The first tranche of €300 million was disbursed in June 2021, after the Tunisian Parliament ratified the agreement on macro-financial assistance. A total of €600 million in loans have been made available to the country during this year under this aid programme. These emergency funds will help improve Tunisia's balance of payments and fiscal situation, while supporting the implementation of fundamental economic reforms. In this exceptionally complex period, the EU remains determined to support the country on the path to economic reform and full respect for democratic achievements. This implies an inclusive and transparent political transition process, as well as the return to institutional normality, through respect for the separation of powers and the proper functioning of democratic institutions, including Parliament. With the disbursement to Tunisia, the European Union has now completed nine of the ten planned MFA programs under the €3 billion MFA envelope adopted due to COVID-19.