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Commission presents fiscal policy guidance for 2023

The Commission has adopted a Communication providing Member States with guidance on the conduct of fiscal policy in 2023. It sets out the key principles that will guide the Commission's assessment of Member States' stability and convergence programmes. It also provides an overview of the state of play on the economic governance review.

Paolo Gentiloni, Commissioner for Economy

“The first year of the Recovery and Resilience Facility can be summarised as ‘so far, so good.' In the twelve months since the establishment of the RRF, 22 national plans have been agreed and begun to be implemented on the ground. The RRF's ambitious funding targets for climate and digital objectives have been amply exceeded, and the plans contain more than a thousand measures contributing to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The coming year will be a crucial test of our collective ability to implement the unprecedented investments and reforms that have been agreed. I am confident that we will all rise to the challenge and seize this unique opportunity.”

Paolo Gentiloni, Commissioner for Economy

“Multiple headwinds have chilled Europe's economy this winter: the swift spread of Omicron, a further rise in inflation driven by soaring energy prices and persistent supply-chain disruptions. With these headwinds expected to fade progressively, we project growth to pick up speed again already this spring. Price pressures are likely to remain strong until the summer, after which inflation is projected to decline as growth in energy prices moderates and supply bottlenecks ease. However, uncertainty and risks remain high.”