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Remembering the past and learning new skills for the future

Older citizens learned new digital skills to create personal biographies in the framework of the the Inter-Generational European Memories (GEM) project steered by organisations in the education and training sector from six European countries and funded by the Erasmus+ programme.

Teaching safe internet use to students

The project ‘Safe Internet For All,’ funded by the Erasmus+ programme, raised awareness in five partner schools from different European countries about web risks and empowered students, teachers and parents to find solutions to potential problems.

725,000 Europeans went abroad with Erasmus+ in 2016

New figures released today in the Erasmus+ Annual Report demonstrate that 725,000 people went abroad to study, train, teach, work or volunteer with the support of funding granted through the Erasmus+ 2016 call.

European Commission hosts the first ever European Education Summit

The first European Education summit, hosted by Commissioner Tibor Navracsics, brought together on the 25th of January, in Brussels, 20 education ministers and 600 education experts, professionals and stakeholders from all over Europe to reflect on how to build a European Education Area where young people receive the best education and training, can study and train across the continent, and which promotes Europe’s common values and cultural diversity.

Drawing inspiration from the summit discussions, the European Commission will be presenting new initiatives this spring and will be hosting the second Education Summit in 2019. Check out photo highlights on the event web page.