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The European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 is in full swing

date:  04/12/2017

Throughout 2018, an unparalleled series of activities and events are encouraging people to discover, engage with, and treasure Europe's shared heritage.

As the European Year of Cultural Heritage enters into spring, we’d like to welcome you to the third newsletter in the series. Here, we’ll be bringing you all of the relevant highlights and opportunities as the celebrations continue. Don’t forget to share it with friends and colleagues who may be interested, and look out for more updates delivered straight to your inbox.

Field with yellow flowers and a green building in the background

Protecting our common heritage

It’s up to all of us to preserve our cultural heritage. We must recognise the traces of cultures that once inhabited our continent, so that we may pass them on for generations to come. Our cultural heritage is valuable, and we can’t afford to leave it to decay or destruction.

This year represents a perfect opportunity to reflect upon how to protect our cultural heritage, together. As such, protection is one of the four main themes of the year, alongside engagement, sustainability and innovation.