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Education and Training Monitor 2017 published

With inequality in education as its lead theme for 2017, the Education and Training Monitor is the European Commission's annual breakdown of education and training systems across the EU.

Education and Training Monitor 2017 published

With inequality in education as its lead theme for 2017, the Education and Training Monitor is the European Commission's annual breakdown of education and training systems across the EU.

New education initiatives for more inclusive, cohesive and competitive European societies

Taking forward the vision on Strengthening European identity through education and culture it outlined at the meeting of European Leaders in Gothenburg in November 2017, the European Commission put forward three key initiatives on the 17th of January 2018:a proposal for a Council Recommendation on key competences for lifelong learning, an Action Plan for digital education and a proposal for a Council Recommendation on common values, inclusive education and the European dimension of teaching.

New opportunities for schools with Erasmus+

The Erasmus+ programme offers plenty of possibilities to teachers and other school staff who wish to work with their peers across Europe, and 2018 will be richer than ever with opportunities for schools.

The Youth Wiki is Europe's first online encyclopaedia of youth policies

On 8 December the European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency launched the Youth Wiki, a comprehensive database of national structures, policies and actions supporting young people in Europe. The tool encourages cooperation in the field of youth and facilitates evidence-based decision making.

As the School Education Gateway turns three, it is growing faster than ever

The School Education Gateway is the European online platform for teachers, school leaders, policy makers, experts and other professionals in the school education field. At its third anniversary, the School Education Platform counts 45 000 registered users and receives over 63 000 visits per month. Sign up to stay up to date on the latest in school education in Europe.

Funding for projects on active citizenship and historical awareness

The 'Europe for Citizens' programme of the EU supports initiatives that contribute to improving citizens' understanding of the EU, encourage civic and democratic participation at EU level and raise awareness about European history and European values. Several calls for proposals financed by the programme are currently open for application on the website of the Education, Culture and Audiovisual Executive Agency.

Ideas from young people for Europe

At the closing event of the New Narrative for Europe initiative on 31 January 2018, Commissioner Tibor Navracsics received young people to discuss their views on the future of Europe. Their ideas resonate with a recent Eurobarometer survey which explored questions about youth, young people's participation in social and civic life, and youth involvement in voluntary activities.

Erasmus+ evaluated as one of the most positive EU results

According to its mid-term evaluation, Europeans see the Erasmus+ programme as one of the most positive results of EU integration. The programme was also found to be highly beneficial for the participants, not only in terms of supporting their transition to employment, but also by creating a feeling of being an EU citizen. The evaluation also includes recommendations for improving the successor programme to Erasmus+.

Study on physical activity at the workplace

Commissioned in follow-up to the Tartu Call for a Healthy Lifestyle in September 2017, the study provides insights into the physical activity promotion interventions that are most effective in the workplace across Europe.

Study on Sport Diplomacy: Identifying good practices

Carried out in the framework of the EU work plan for Sport for 2017-2020, the study includes an inventory of good practices in sport diplomacy and an overview of potential EU funding sources for international sport projects.

Eurydice brief - Citizenship education at school in Europe 2017

The report provides a comparative overview of national policies in the area of citizenship education across Europe. It focuses on the curriculum content and organisation, the teaching and learning methods in and outside the classroom, the assessment of students, and the training and support for teachers.

Letting students lead the way: assessing the quality of joint academic programmes

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMDs) bring teaching from various higher education institutions in different countries together under one integrated programme that provides a comprehensive educational experience for future professionals. Many programmes venture across traditional academic borderlines in the mix of teaching they provide. With this dynamic and innovative blend of approaches, how easy is it to ensure quality of teaching in these programmes?